Tips for an Energy-Efficient Home

Written By: Miller and Associates Realty On: 3rd March 2015 Under: Uncategorized

Many savvy buyers are looking for energy-efficient homes, and a few changes can make your home more attractive to these buyers.

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: While these bulbs are more expensive initially, they last four to ten times longer than traditional bulbs. According to Energy Star, you’ll save a few dollars every year too.

Low Flow Fixtures:  Easily-installed and inexpensive, low-flow fixtures can conserve water and save you money.  Low-flow showerheads cost about $20 at home improvement stores and are easy to install yourself.

Insulation: Insulation reduces heating and cooling expenses by as much as 20 to 30 percent, and will keep your home more comfortable, summer or winter.

Programmable Thermostat: When http://humanrightsfilmnetwork.org/cymbalta used properly, programmable thermostats can save up to $150 per year. More accurate than a traditional thermostat, programmable thermostats offer money-saving and energy-saving benefits without giving up comfort.

Tankless Water Heater: Tankless heaters last five to ten years longer than traditional heaters, and they never run out of hot water. You get a federal tax rebate if you purchase one, and users save 20% off their water bill.

While solar panels or a rooftop wind turbine may be out of reach, improving your home’s energy efficiency doesn’t have to cost a fortune. These small improvements can make a big difference over the long run, and help sell your home.


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