Lynn Haven Reveals Vision for Marina Village

Written By: Miller and Associates Realty On: 24th November 2015 Under: Attractions, Community Redevelopment, Economy, Local Development, Local Information, Panama City Subdivisions, Real Estate News, Uncategorized

lynn haven

A press release on November 14 announced an exciting new development in the city in Lynn Haven. This new vision is a community with a public marina at the center. Bluewater, the developer spearheading the project, said that they will keep the property open to the public and the marina will belong to the city. They also released a goal to increase the access to water along the North Bay and the Lynn Haven Bayou. They also plan to build a network of recreational trails that would be built on 44 acres of old railway tracks.

The community plan also offers a more diverse residential opportunity within the village. The present plans include a multifamily town center, as well as small “cottage style” houses. A planned portion of the land bought will be used for offices to bring more businesses into the area. Hine, the Company Principal, said that it would be a 10-15 year project that would bring  a lot of rewards to the community.

Click Here for more information about the Marina village.


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