4 New Years Resolutions for Home Buyers

Written By: Miller and Associates Realty On: 13th January 2016 Under: Uncategorized

Every New Year starts out with a Resolution. Here are a few resolutions that any new home buyer might want to consider.

1. Saving Energy- There are multiple ways that this can be done. One way this can be managed is by replacing every lightbulb in your house with a more energy efficient one. LED Bulbs last around 18-40 years and are known for saving energy. Other methods would be sealing accessible air ducts. There have been many homeowners that save $200 or more per year.

2. Cleaning out Storage Unit/Closet- This could help you save room in your home. Alternately, if you are renting a storage unit you could save money by reducing the size of the unit you need. A common idea is to hold a yard sale and sell the items you do not need nor want.

3. Start a garden- There are two types of gardens, a garden http://www.eta-i.org/valium.html meant to add beauty to your yard, or a fruit and/or vegetable garden. Gardening is often considered a form of light exercise A good idea would be to first add an irrigation system to make it easier to water.

4. Manage A Stressfree lifestyle- Stress can cause a lot of problems overtime. By having a lot of stress, you may increase your risk of becoming sick more often. There are multiple things you can do to live stress free but the more important would be to look at what and when you are eating. For example, eating supper before 6:00pm can allow your body time to digest and make it easier for you to sleep. A good night of rest is key to being relaxed throughout the day. Stress can also be caused by a chaotic schedule which is why time management should be a focus point as well.


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