Natural Remedies & Alternative Uses for Vodka

Written By: Miller and Associates Realty On: 1st June 2016 Under: Real Estate Tips, Sellers, Tips



Are you into natural remedies, alternative cleaning methods, or just learning about items that have dual purposes?

Here’s a list of all the ways vodka can be used besides its usual purpose.

1. Extend the life of cut flowers

It only takes a few drops of vodka in a vase of cut flowers to significantly extend their life. How does this work? Mostly by keeping the water fresh.

2. Dry out a cold sore or poison ivy

Don’t have your prescription or over the counter cold sore medication on hand? No calamine lotion for poison ivy? No problem, if you happen to have a bottle of vodka in the house. Why vodka? It dries the cold sore and poison ivy blisters out. In addition, the vodka will help relieve some of the itch associated with poison ivy.

 3. Put on jelly fish stings

What to do? Pour vodka on a cloth and apply for 15 to 20 minutes to the sting. This home remedy works to break down the jelly fish toxins that cause it to sting so bad.

 4. Sanitize your razor and other items

Vodka works much like rubbing alcohol to disinfect your razor, toothbrush, and other items.

5. Remove stickers, temporary tattoos, and bandaids

Need that sticker or temporary tattoo off, but don’t have any baby oil, petroleum jelly, or alcohol, just rub it with vodka instead, For easier bandaid removal, pour the vodka on a cloth and place over the bandaid. This will dissolve the adhesive. Vodka is also great for removing sticker and bandaid residue.

6. Use for swimmer’s ear

Many people, particularly children, develop swimmer’s ear from putting their head underwater while swimming. This is from the trapped water growing bacteria. Pouring a few drops of vodka in the ear after swimming helps prevent bacteria from growing in the ear.

7. Clean your windows and house

Don’t have any window cleaner or looking for an alternative to harsh chemicals, such as ammonia-based window cleaners? If you’ve got some vodka, you’ve got window cleaner. Also use as an everyday household cleaner.

8. Insect repellent

Don’t have any bug spray or want a more natural repellent? You need a spray bottle and a bottle of vodka. Spray on your body like a normal bug spray or spray around your porch or yard in the evenings.

9. Use as a disinfectant mouthwash

Swish some vodka around in your mouth for 30-60 seconds just like you would your usual germ killing mouthwash.

 10. Use as an odor eliminator

Furniture or carpet not smelling great? Get your vodka bug sprayer out and spray your furniture and carpets, too. Feet stink? Spray or soak ’em in vodka.

 11. Use as a jewelry cleaner

Does your jewelry need some shine brought back to it? Try rubbing it with vodka.

 12. DIY ice pack

Mix approximately 2 parts vodka with one part water to make an ice pack. The vodka doesn’t freeze due to its high alcohol content, leaving you with an ice pack that is ice cold, but not awkwardly frozen.


Have you tried any of these alternative uses for vodka? Let us know in the comments how they worked.

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