Written By: Miller and Associates Realty On: 18th October 2012 Under: Uncategorized
The holidays are just around the corner and it makes me remember what home is all about. I will be gathering with my family for a wonderful Thanksgiving feast next month. I can smell the delicious dinner now. The children playing together and running in and out of the house. The adults talking about the much anticipated card game after dinner. The Thanksgiving parade followed by football games on TV. All the girls planning their annual black Friday shopping trip. The newspaper spread across the table and the children circling everything they want added to their Christmas list. Its times like these that make me thankful for family. Home truly is where your heart is. I made my home in Panama City Beach 17 years ago. One visit to our beaches was all I needed to know that this is where I wanted to live and love. May the peace and love of the season be with you all.