Keeping our fitness goals

Written By: Miller and Associates Realty On: 6th January 2015 Under: Tips

images (7)We always make the same New Year’s resolution to get in shape and lose weight but for some reason we tend to let that fall to the wayside.  Instead of making that resolution and going from 0 to 100 right out of the gate, build a healthy plan for your year.  This will help you ease into the routine that you want to build for yourself and help you achieve your fitness goal.  Here are a few tips to help you achieve that New Year’s resolution this year:

1: Make exercise part of your routine:  Make exercise become a part of your daily activities just like sleeping and eating is.  Put it on your calendar whether it is twice a week or five days a week, pencil it in just like you would any other important appointment and stick to it.  It can start with something as easy as taking the family dog for a 30min walk every night after dinner, just remember to stay consistent.

2: Give yourself permission to spend time on “you”: People often say that there is not enough time to exercise from all the daily activities of life like the kids, work, house chores, ect.  You need to give yourself permission to work on you, it is ok to take a little time from other areas to ensure you are as healthy as you want to be.

3: Set realistic goals:  A lot of people will set goals that are unrealistic for themselves.  Are you new to exercising, well then don’t start an intense work out program that will cause you to burn out and fail.  Start small, you can always adjust your goals as you progress and increase you activity as necessary.

4: Hire a personal trainer or find a workout buddy:  When your motivation starts to fall (because it just naturally happens to us all) then having that trainer or workout buddy there will help keep you motivated and push you through when you want to give up and stop.  It also makes it fun when you have someone that you can work out with and you can be each other’s personal cheerleaders and celebrate the milestones you achieve together.

5: Keep your eye on the prize:  When you don’t feel like getting off the couch to go for that run remind yourself why you decided to focus on your fitness.  Put pictures of the body you want somewhere that you can see every day.  Think of the health http://pharmacy-no-rx.net/propecia_generic.html benefits that come along with being in shape.  Don’t let your procrastination keep you from reaching your goals.

6: Make it convenient:  Pick a gym that is close to your home or on your way to or from work so that there is no reason why you are not able to go.  Choose a program that you can do at home if you are not able to travel to a gym or there is not one available for you to use.  There are some great work out DVD’s available for home use and some that do not require any additional equipment to use.  So be sure to choose a program that is convenient for your lifestyle

7: Fit in workouts even on your “off” days:  Even when your buys life makes it hard to get your exercise in there are still ways that you can fit something in.  You can do jumping jacks, lunges, squats, even desk pushups just about anywhere.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator that day.  Taking the kids to the park, well run a lap or two while you’re there.  There are many ways that you can squeeze in even a few small things when you aren’t able to do your full workout plan that day

8: Keep it fun:  You will be much likely to follow through with your goals if you enjoy what you’re doing.  If you get bored of your workout try to add something new like a kickboxing class or maybe a spinning class.  Don’t go to the gym, well try a new workout video to follow.  Even get on google or you tube and search for some new ideas to keep things interesting and fun.

9: Reward yourself:  You are working hard to achieve these goals so reward yourself when you have reached a milestone.  You lost 5lbs already, awesome!  Reward yourself with a new item of clothing or maybe a nice massage.  This will help you think positively about exercise and the work you are putting in to achieve your goals.

10: Support your exercise habit with a healthy lifestyle:  Exercise is important to your health but so is a healthy lifestyle.  Healthy eating, proper sleeping, maintain stress levels as much as possible.  These are all important to help you maintain and achieve your fitness goals.  Small changes can be more beneficial than large changes all at once, so start small and keep your eye on the prize.

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