October Market Report

Written By: Miller and Associates Realty On: 24th November 2015 Under: Market Updates, Real Estate Market

October was a busy month for the Real Estate world. This past month had a total of 111 sales which is really impressive because last year there were only 88 sales. The total sales volume this year is $23,355,033 compared to last years $18,233,372. The month of October had 117 properties under contract compared to October of last year which had 119. These numbers show that our market is remaining steady going into the Holiday Season.

1. Tidewater Beach Resort: In the month of October, Tidewater Beach Resort has the highest sales count at 11 closings. The average sale price is $278,540.

2. Edgewater Beach Resort: Edgewater Beach Resort had a total of 7 new sales with an average of $247,500.

3. Splash Resort and Shores of Panama: Both of these resorts are tied at a sales count of 5 with the average being $1,115,400.


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